Author's Guidelines

For Articles

  1. Philippiniana Sacra accepts online submission through to the submission page. Submission of manuscripts' hardcopy should be addressed to the editor, Fr. Jesus M. Miranda, Jr., OP, using the following address:

    Fr. Jesus M. Miranda, Jr, O.P.
    Ecclesiastical Publications Office
    University of Santo Tomas
    España St., Sampaloc
    1015 Manila
  2. All submissions must provide on a page separate from the manuscript the author's curriculum vitae and contact details. Manuscripts submitted by mail will no longer be returned to the author even if the article is not accepted for publication.

  3. Submission of a manuscript implies that it is not being considered for publication in any other journal and is offered to Philippiniana Sacra for its first publication. The author is held responsible to secure necessary permissions from authors and publishers if copyrighted materials are used in the submitted article. Submission of manuscripts also implies that all co-authors have given their permission for the submission and publication of the article, and authors have secured the needed permission from their funding organizations.

  4. Manuscript submitted to Philippiniana Sacra must be between 6,000 to 15,000 words, must be accompanied by an abstract of about 200 words, and 6-8 keywords. Lengthier articles may still be considered. Accompanying pictures and figures must be submitted as separate attachments (.jpg files only), and they should be clearly labeled according to their desired position in the text.

  1. Philippiniana Sacra uses double blind review. The manuscript must be prepared anonymously. Submissions not ready for blind review may not be processed.

  2. The manuscript must have footnotes (not endnotes) which are numbered in sequence throughout the article, and they should be placed on the same page as the quoted text. For the documentation and citation format, please consult the latest edition of the Chicago Manual of Style. Authors must consult the journal's documentation and citation guide The Editor reserves the right to make changes to manuscripts if they are needed to keep the style of the Journal.

  3. In making references to pages within the article, the authors must cite the section numbers rather than page numbers. Non-english words are to be printed in italics.

  4. Articles accepted for publication entails the authors' consent to assign the copyright of the article to Philippiniana Sacra. Opinions and claims in the published articles however remain to be that of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the faith commitment and convictions of the institution that supports this journal.

For Book Reviews

  1. Books for review are sent to:

    Fr. Jesus M. Miranda, Jr, O.P.
    Editor, Philippiniana Sacra
    Ecclesiastical Publications Office
    University of Santo Tomas
    España St., Sampaloc
    1015 Manila
  1. Book reviews published in Philippiniana Sacra are usually commissioned. But, non-commissioned reviewers may also submit their review to the book review editor ( All submissions must be approved by the editors before they are published.

  2. Book reviews are between 500 to 1500 words in length, and they must identify the book's full bibliographical data including the number of pages and ISBN.

For Documentation and Citation


One Author

           Jannel Abogado, OP, Hilary of Poitiers on Conciliating the Homouseans and the Homoeouseans (Wien: Peter Lang, 2016), 89.

           Abogado, Hilary of Poiters, 92.

Abogado, Jannel, OP. Hilary of Poitiers on Conciliating the Homouseans and the
Wien: Peter Lang, 2016.

Two or Three Authors

           Norberto M. Castillo, OP and Ciriaco Pedrosa, OP, A Guide to Cosmology (Manila: University of Santo Tomas, 1982), 15.

           Castillo and Pedrosa, A Guide to Cosmology, 18-19.

Castillo, Norberto, OP and Ciriaco Pedrosa, OP. A Guide to Cosmology. Manila: University of
           Santo Tomas, 1982.

Four or More Authors

Note : List all of the authors in the bibliography, while in the note, only the first author is listed followed by et al.

           Jose de Mesa, et. al. Contextualizing the Theological Constants of Justice (Quezon City: Dominican Province of the Philippines, Inc., 2010), 29.

           de Mesa, et. al., Contextualizing, 8.

de Mesa, Jose, Jannel Abogado, Pablito Baybado, Ronald Cortel, Arvin Eballo, Dionisia Roman,
           and Joel Sagut. Contextualizing the Theological Constants of Justice. Quezon City:
           Dominican Province of the Philippines, Inc., 2010.

Editor, translator, or compiler instead of author

           Rodel Aligan, OP, ed., The Catholic Priesthood: Then and Now (Manila: Faculty of Sacred Theology, 2014), 66.

           Aligan, Catholic Priesthood, 12.

Aligan, Rodel, OP, editor. The Catholic Priesthood: Then and Now. Manila: Faculty of Sacred
           Theology, 2014.

Editor, translator, or compiler in addition to author

           Yves Congar, OP, Tradition and Traditions, trans. Michael Naseby and Thomas Rainborough (London: Burns & Oates Ltd., and Mcmillan Co., 1966), 20-22.

           Congar, Tradition, 18.

Congar, Yves. Tradition and Traditions. Translated by Michael Naseby and Thomas
           Rainborough. London: Burns & Oates Ltd., and Mcmillan Co., 1966.

Chapter or other part of a book

           Stanley Fish, "I Know It When I See It: A Reply to Kiss and Euben," in Debating Moral Education, eds. Elizabeth Kiss and J. Peter Euben (Durham and London: Duke University Press, 2010), 81.

           Fish, "I Know It When I See It," 79.

Fish, Stanley. "I know It When I see It: A Reply to Kiss and Euben." In Debating Moral Education,
           edited by Elizabeth Kiss and J. Peter Euben, 65-81. Durham and London: Duke University Press, 2010.

Journal Article

           Norberto Castillo, OP, "Education and National Reconstruction," Unitas 60/3
(1987): 273.

           Castillo, "Education," 275.

Castillo, Norberto, OP. "Education and National Reconstruction." Unitas 60/3
          (1987): 271-282.

Thesis or Dissertation

           Rolando de la Rosa, OP, "Beginnings of the Dominican Province of the Philippines" (S.Th.L. Thesis, University of Santo Tomas, 1984), 13.

           de la Rosa, "Beginnings," 15.

de la Rosa, Rolando, OP. "Beginnings of the Dominican Province of the Philippines."
           S.Th.L. Thesis, University of Santo Tomas, 1984.

Consult the latest edition of Chicago Manual of Style for more examples.
For Canon Law sources consult the Style Guide by the School of Canon Law (CUA).

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Ecclesiastical Publication Office
University of Santo Tomas
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