Author/s :
Pablo Carlos Sicouly, OP
Abstract :
This article offers a brief presentation of the theological-pastoral category “Salamanca Process” or “Salamanca-New World Process,” pointing out its development in the last General Chapters of the Order of Preachers, and trying to clarify its meaning and its possible forms of implementation. This category expresses some distinctive traits of the Dominican spiritual and intellectual tradition - going back to St. Dominic himself, in which study is understood at the service of the preaching of grace. The article intends to offer an initial and fragmentary response to questions posed by some Dominicans who seek a greater clarification of this notion in order to better understand and participate more actively in this initiative. The text deals with the following points: 1) The development of this category in the General Chapters of the Order of Preachers from 2013 to 2022; 2) The School of Salamanca and its dialogue with the preachers of the “New World” in the 16th century as a founding analogy of this category; 3) Some fundamental notes that should allow to perceive the complex and at the same time specific reality of this category and that should be present for an adequate understanding and implementation of the “Salamanca Process.”
Keywords : Salamanca-New World Process, spiritual and intellectual tradition, preaching, School of Salamanca, human dignity, human rights, theology, pastoral, life, mission
Author/s :
Almudena Alba López
Abstract :
Eversince the Edict of Milan was issued in 313, Emperor Constantine implemented a tolerance-based religious policy in which his intervention, both personally and by proxy, played an essential role. Tolerance would ultimately fail due to the many religious conflicts and constant doctrinal disagreements between various Christian groups, requiring new solutions in order to rule over a more peaceful population. The will to reach a doctrinal consensus that would not undermine the emperor’s powers in the management and arbitration of religious matters, as well as intervention by civil authority in fields that traditionally fell under ecclesiastic jurisdiction, would give rise to a confrontation with part of the Church which would resist the emperor’s strategy to reach a consensus in religious matters.
Keywords : Constantine I, Athanasius of Alexandria, Arianism, Donatism, Church-State Relations, Religious toleration
Author/s :
Danilo R. Flores
Abstract :
The juridical consequences of the canonical procedure for the dispensation from the natural and divine positive laws are directed to the dissolution of the natural and supernatural bond validly contracted either in marriage or in the religious profession.
A supernatural power may dissolve both the natural and supernatural bonds through the exercise of the ‘Potestas Vicaria’ of the Roman Pontiff who exercises it not as the Supreme Head of the Universal Catholic Church but in virtue of his prerogative as the “Vicarius Christi” on earth. The correct exercise of the divine power is based on theology and grounded in canonical science. Its right understanding and interpretation are harmonious employment of the metaphysical principles applied in theological and canon sciences.
The author traces the theological foundation of the potestas vicaria in Sacred Scriptures and Sacred Traditions constantly interpreted and enriched by the Church living Magisterium. The ‘potestas divina et vicaria’ exercise is based on the canonical provisions and praxis starting from the 7th century.
The vicarious power exercised by the Church in the name of God is also referred to as ‘Potestas Instrumentalis’, i.e., Instrumental Power. A clearer understanding of the philosophy of this instrumental causality applied in theology and canon law implies a great deal of comprehension of some notion of causality proper of metaphysics. The employment of the ontological principles in both the theological and canonical tradition and doctrine assures the conclusion that it is not ‘mere humana sed potestas divina.’
The author illustrates that a perfect and harmonious interaction of fides, ratio atque ius is indeed possible in the modern institutional structures like in the exercise of the potestas vicaria of the Roman Pontiff.
Keywords : dispensation, potestas vicaria, instrumentalis, clavium, pascendi, Vicar of Christ, dissolution of natural and supernatural bonds of marriage, ontology, metaphysics, causality, canon law, theology, natural and divine positive law
Author/s :
Ewa Agnieszka Lekka-Kowalik; Jovito V. Cariño
Abstract :
There exists a general confusion on what the university is and what it is for. Universities are in crisis, and as never before, they must justify their usefulness for society. It is claimed that in order to answer that crisis, universities should become business-like entities governed and managed in terms of demand/supply and efficiency. We claim—and exemplify that claim with the case of Philippine universities—that no university in a classical sense can be turned into a business without destroying it for the two domains have different founding principles, values, norms, and actions. We argue that the classical university is an important specie in the cultural environment and it is worthwhile to defend its existence, even if other knowledge-producing and education-providing institutions are developed and provide intellectual and human resources for the market.
Keywords : university, market, crisis, truth, academic capitalism
Author/s :
Ostwald Sales-Colín Kortajarena
Abstract :
La finalidad de este artículo es triple. Primera, subrayar que en la instauración de un convento femenino intramuros Manila existió un proceso de selección riguroso destinado a minorías. Segunda, demostrar que en el convento se privilegió el prototipo de las “mujeres de calidad” basado en proteger la riqueza familiar; para esta época es anacrónico hablar del color de la piel basado en la presencia de “mujeres blancas” y muy arriesgado afirmar la existencia de “mujeres españolas” como símbolo de distinción. Existió la necesidad, por razones católicas, de proteger a las hijas de familias beneméritas, centrada en reproducir el ideal de una mujer recatada, devota, virgen, monógama en aras de apartarla de la oferta matrimonial ante la imposibilidad de encontrarle un “marido a propósito”, así los caudales no caerían en manos de sus cónyuges, aquí “los primeros de Filipinas” transformados en ricos encomenderos se proyectan en las mujeres al exaltar una serie de valores que precisan decencia, distinción y privilegio, propios de los estamentos adinerados, en consecuencia cuando las doncellas ingresaran en el convento incrementaría la soltería en la capital y se dificultarían los matrimonios. Ambos argumentos colocaron en una situación poco favorecedora al monasterio de Santa Catalina, pero estos procesos ya se habían apuntado desde la fundación del convento de Santa Clara. Tercera, ofrecer una interpretación diferente sobre la cancelación del convento de Santa Catalina de Sena. En Manila habitaban viudas que se negaban a contraer segundas nupcias y también escaseaban varones con recursos materiales que fueran aceptados como cónyuges de las hijas de los estamentos favorecidos por la fortuna; dichas cuestiones fueron omitidas por Grau y Monfalcón. Asimismo, desde la fundación del convento de las clarisas, éste contó con la ayuda económica de poderosos mecenas de la capital (prebendas, beneficios, donaciones, testamentos, subvención del erario del real y, desde 1630, las dotes de las monjas). Otro convento femenino suponía una amenaza para la provincia de San Gregorio, ya que entre los franciscanos no existió una conciencia basada en la necesidad de compartir con las futuras dominicas la ayuda monetaria de sus pudientes bienhechores, simplemente no estaban dispuestos. Así, en la cancelación del convento de Santa Catalina de Sena fue definitoria la intervención de los franciscanos y del cabildo secular de Manila, el recurrente matrimonio relegado y una propensión a la soltería.
Keywords : Orden de Predicadores, Convento de Santa Catalina de Sena, Convento de Santa Clara, ideal de mujer hispana, Manila
Author/s :
Regalado Trota Jose
Abstract :
There is a dearth of knowledge on the emergence of books with illustrations in the Philippines. In 1623, the Virgen S. Mariano was published in Binondo, containing images which were printed on individual slips of paper and then pasted on its pages. Such images may be classified as estampitas, which for Filipinos are pocket-sized cards with religious meaning. Since works printed before 1623 do not contain images of this format, the illustrations in the 1623 Virgen S. Mariano can be considered the oldest extant estampitas printed in the country.
Keywords : Dominican books, engravings, estampitas, Japanese Christians, Japanese in Manila